Sunday, September 27, 2009


On my way to Arizona as we speak. I'm typing on my little netbook using my Sprint wireless card. 

We're heading to the Cardinals vs Colts game then on to Prescott to do some outdoors shit like climbing etc at Linx Lake. 
We then head to Sedona for more of the same and then on to the Grand Canyon for even more of the same. We will be going from 107 degrees in Phoenix to the low 60's (and 20's at night) at the Grand Canyon. Kinda stoked about that. We had to literally pack two different sets of clothing for one extreme weather to the next (not that the 20's are extreme but it is when you're coming from 107 degrees the days before).

I'll be posting pic of the craziness in the next few days.... btw if you are reading this... go to and bug him to update his page. He is the replacement co-host for my show "The X Factor" He is also on The Deadliest Catch and Cowboys of the Sea.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009



I have decided to do a total body cleanse. Mostly to get my body chemistry in line so that dropping body fat and getting in top physical shape will keep going on as planned.

I went to GNC to get some other supplements and I asked the dude working there which program is the best. Of course he told me about the GNC brand and one other brand. There happened to be a female there who had tried the GNC brand and said it worked well so I took her advice and decided to try it out myself.  

One thing you find out once you read the instructions is that, although it may be slightly easy to deal with (meaning not a ton of pills to take throughout the day like other plans), what it does require is a really restrictive diet for that 7 days. 

For those who have a shitty diet to begin with, this will probably be too hard for you. It's extremely restrictive. It's designed to be that way for the maximum results. I've read some customer reviews and for those who were serious about it and already had a good nutrition lifestyle, they found the product to be successful and gave it a good rating. 

I found that those who said "It sucked" or "It didn't work" were those who also said in the review that they couldn't stick to the dietary restrictions or didn't like the taste of the pills etc they gave up after day 2 or 3 so of course it didn't work....

I'm lucky. The dietary restrictions aren't too bad for me so far. I have been eating really well for the past few months and most of the stuff on the list of "ok to eat" were things I was eating normally. The items on the "don't eat" list were things I had already cut out of my diet.

So here we go...............



The first day you take a powder packet and a pack of pills in the Morning. I mixed the powder in my morning protein shake and I hear that is a good idea. If you try to do it by its self, it supposedly tastes horrible. 

The pills are pretty fucking horrible. They are huge and taste pretty bad.. Ya I know, I'm a big ole poon but man, they taste gross.

All that aside, I kind of expected to shit my brains out right away and it's actually very mellow. Ya I pooped and ya it was kinda gross but it wasn't a "run to the bathroom" kinda thing.

The misconception about this product is that it's a strict colon cleanse. It's actually not really that at all. It's a total body cleanse which includes your kidneys and liver etc. a small part of it is the depletion of waste (shitting). Actually it's driving me more nuts that every 30 min or so, i'm having to pee with a full bladder. That would make sense if it's something that cleans out your kidneys. 

At dinner, you take the PM pill packs which are big giant pills as well. There is no powder pack for the PM.

I will tell you this.... and be prepared to be grossed out but if you know me, you know that I have no shame.....


Make sure to drink a ton of water when you are doing this program because if not, your poop is like clay and takes forever to come out. It's really gross and annoying. The good news is, you don't get a stomach ache or craps before having to shit, you just know you have to go and once you are done it's all good.  

Anyhow, I will update this blog tomorrow to cover day 2!

If you have any questions, please leave a comment.


I was going to keep updating this every day but long story short... don't do this body cleanse. My self and two others I know did it and it made us all sick. Meaning broke down our immunity and we all got colds.. its too much of a coincidence for us all to feel this way at the exact same time. So I don't suggest this product to anyone.  

Friday, September 18, 2009


Of course we are sad that Mike Mason was unable to co-host the show due to a change in schedule. However..... we are totally excited to announce that we have found a new co-host.

The new co-host is Crosby Leveen.


If you are a fan of the Deadliest Catch then I guarantee that you know who he is. Just in case you are still jogging your mind, he is the well known (and popular with the ladies) deckhand from the Wizard. Last season marked his 3rd on the show.

He has also been featured in "Cowboys of the Sea" a documentary about Salmon fishing in Alaska

He is an avid outdoors man and  is able to handle most "xtreme" things put in front of him. Of course he can.. have you seen what he does for his friggin day job!?

We start filming November 6th and will be on the road shooting in various locations around the United States and a few foreign Countries until February.

If you would like more info on Crosby Leveen, you can find him through these various links:

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ok, It's not as interesting as it sounds.... I injured my tailbone doing that athletic crap (training for my show), and now I can only sit down for literally a few min at a time then I have to lay down or else it fucking hurts. I'm not sure how long it will take to get better. Good thing is, it really doesn't hurt when I stand up or walk etc.. So I can still train.. It just hurts when I sit (prob because the tailbone is bending or the weight going on it), or when I bend over (sigh... ok... get the jokes out of the way haha)

So tomorrow i'm going to play tennis again and do some running for my training.. Thats about it. I head back out to Arizona next week to train.... get out in nature and do some nutty shit that will no doubt prob injure me as well.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Next week I'll be leaving for yet another adventure ( From September 24th-October 4th). I'm heading first to Glendale Arizona to catch a Cardinals Vs Colts game. Then going on to Prescott to do some camping/fishing/hiking/climbing/drinking/trouble making at Linx Lake.........

I'll def rate it once i've checked it out.

From there i'm heading to Sedona to do more of the above... and then we head to the Grand Canyon. I'm embarassed to admit that I have never been there before ... much less have camped there. Luckily I'll be with people who have hahaha.

I hear the weather will be pretty mild... in the 70's during the day but pretty fucking cold at night (possibly 30's to 40's)

I'm kind of excited to have some colder weather. In Southern California where I live, it really doesn't get any colder then maybe in the mid to high 40's.

Hopefully I don't come back with a fucking hangover..... or maybe I do...... because then that means I had a fucking awesome time!

Sunday, September 13, 2009



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I'm keeping this pretty short..... This is the first entry on to my site. I am starting this 9/12/09. This is only a temp site until my full interactive webstite (http://www.rebeccaryanlong/) is completed which could take a very long time hahha. Anyhow my team (The X Factor) is currently training for the upcoming show. We start filming November 6th, 2009. I will have a lot more content in the next week or two max. This will include pictures, video and audio. Please leave any comments or feed back.. right now this is pretty basic...

Thanks guys!